Make Soil

Team Members: 

Connor Hall, Mayur Phadte, Darshan Bhandari, Samuel Gonsalves, Joseph Ly, Arjun Sharma, Abhay Soni


Why send your food scraps to a landfill when you can make soil with your neighbors?

Core Problem:

Environmentally, composting food waste is better than sending it to landfills, but it can be hard to get started. MakeSoil brings together those who want to compost with those who do compost.
Soil Makers are those who dedicate their land and their time to turning food waste into living soil.
Soil Supporters are those who donate their scraps to soil sites near them. When MakeSoil is later released, anyone can become a soil supporter!
How it works: Our mobile implementation of MakeSoil is primarily implemented in React Native, allowing us to compile it for both Android and iOS. For data storage and authentication, we are using Google’s Firebase platform. Features: 1. Users can sign up and then login to the system 2. Support for user account management 3. Users can view the details of a particular soil site 4. Viewing list of soil sites Future work: 1. Continue to polish UI 2. Merge backend with the existing MakeSoil webapp 3. Implement advanced features, including integration with Google Maps


Due to the fact that we’ve signed an IP agreement and based on the client’s requirements, we are unable to provide a link to the working application.