Good points, cloud is a frontier for mobile, apple is behind there, hp and others would do well to differentiate that way.
But as I always say: cloud but localfy. Syncing is a pain, but so is connectivity.
Other frontiers: developing markets, integration into new categories, pull entertainment, web apps, prosumer mobiles, pay as you go, VoIP only, semantic web, social first.
Hp could be good in many of these, as could Microsoft. Not optimistic about rim.
HP, here’s how you can win in mobile
On Sunday, PreCentral published an interesting rumor piece based on a leaked slide from HP. According to the story, the company has plans to include a “music syncing solution” with the forthcoming TouchPad tablet that will allow users to remotely store and sync music in the cloud — something like Amazon’s new Cloud Drive service, [...]Sent from my iPhone