He's right. Apple should take this once every 30 years chance to win market share. They can certainly afford to.
Cheap iPhone: Why Apple should create a downmarket version of its best-selling product.
The iPhone is at a crossroads. It's been four years since Apple first released its super-duper-wonderphone, and you don't have to be a fanboy to appreciate how thoroughly this single gadget has upended the tech industry. The iPhone wasn't the first smartphone, it wasn't the first touchscreen device, and it wasn't the first app-enabled mobile computer (indeed, the first iPhone didn't run apps). Still, the iPhone was something novel—a smart, intuitive, beautifully designed, futuristic-seeming gizmo that was immediately lapped up by consumers and wholly copied by rivals. For Apple, the iPhone has been a godsend. In 2010, the company reported $25 billion in revenue from the iPhone alone—that was about 40 percent of its total annual revenue—and the phone's growth shows no signs of slowing. [more ...]
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