Classeval is coming April 18!

Eval time is coming!

Please go online and enter your opinion and suggestions. You should be able to use the "eval" link on the course site, or the link below.



Benjamin Watson
Director, Design Graphics Lab | Associate Professor, Computer Science, NC State Univ.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ClassEval <>
Date: Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 10:33 AM
Subject: ClassEval Encourage Students

To all faculty teaching in Spring 2012:

ClassEval will open 8 am Wednesday, April 18 and will stay open until 8 am on Wednesday, May 2.  As faculty, you probably have the greatest influence on whether your students complete evaluations. Please encourage students to take the time to go to and fill out the questionnaires posted there.  If they need help, students can send a message to .

You can monitor response rates for the university, your department, and your classes hour by hour, day by day by going to or .

Reminders are sent approximately every 2 or 3 days to students who have not completed all their class evaluations. Students can stop receiving the reminders by completing all their evaluations.

Good news! The surveys are fewer questions, so should take less time.

Questions and suggestions may be sent to .