Assignment: Your first meeting


Now that projects are assigned, Google groups created and members added, its time to start working! In order to get started, you need to schedule a remote or face-to-face meeting with your client to discuss project details, deliverables, milestones etc. As we have mentioned in the past, this is going to be one of the three mandatory meetings with your client. The other two should be scheduled sometime half-way through the project and at the end of the project. We encourage you to interact more often if you like.

Set up a meeting (remote or face-to-face) with your client to
  • discuss the project in detail
  • set up expectations
  • determine your milestones
  • establish timelines
  • agree on deliverables

  • Agree on platform/technology
  • Coding standards
  • Create github repository for your project (after creation, provide us access to it)
  • Anything else you consider important for your project that I may have overlooked mentioning here

Each team needs to submit us a project proposal detailing your project requirements, timelines and deliverables. You can make this proposal as detailed as you can, since this document will be used to assess your final performance. Remember this is your project. You (and client) decide what you want to develop and deliver, and thus it is essential that you setup clear expectations and deadlines, and through this proposal make us aware of it.

The deadline to turn in your project proposal will be Monday, March 4th. The sooner you schedule meetings with your client, the better. You may setup multiple meetings if you have to. Remember to use your respective Google groups for scheduling meetings, and other interactions. (However, do not have the meeting itself as a series of emails/discussion over the group - organize either face-to-face meetings or over remote methods like Skype, GoToMeeting, Google Hangout etc.).

Post any questions regarding this assignment to our class group

Good Luck!
