Below are several readings which you can complete for extra credit:
- Lari Karkkainen and Jari Laarni. 2002. Designing for small display screens. ACM Proc. Nordic Conf. Human-computer interaction (NordiCHI '02). 227-230.
- Chittaro, L. 2006. Visualizing information on mobile devices, Computer, 39, 3, 40- 45.
- Carolyn Watters, Rui Zhang, and Jack Duffy. 2005. Comparing table views for small devices. Proc. ACM Symp. Applied Computing (SAC '05), 975-980.
- Qiao, L., Feng, L. & Zhou, L. 2008. Information presentation on mobile devices: techniques and practices. In Zhang, Y., Yu, G., Bertino, E. & Xu, G. (eds.), Progress in WWW Research and Development, LNCS Vol. 4976, 395-406.