Some of vidya's colleagues on web apps as the way to continuous client
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PrePrint: Reports of the Death of the Web are Greatly Exaggerated: Towards Real Web Applications for Mobile Devices
The software industry is currently experiencing two parallel paradigm shifts – one towards web-based software and another towards web-enabled mobile devices. The resulting convergence of desktop, mobile and web application development has already unleashed the development of entirely new types of web-based software systems. These new systems, built to leverage the vast capabilities of the World Wide Web, allow the use of dynamically downloaded applications and services from any type of terminal, including both desktop computers and mobile devices. Furthermore, the applications use the available resources in unforeseen ways, and imply radical changes to the ways people develop, deploy and use software. In this paper, we summarize our experiences in developing such applications with a family of purely web-based software systems. We also briefly review some recent technologies and trends that are making the Web a better place for real applications, not just for documents.
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