Event: Mobilities conference 2012

This event will happen at NCSU. A good chance to get involved in the mobiles community and mix with designers and others.

we were forwarded this through David and Adriana out at CHASS...
this conference, will be at NC State next year.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: [crdm-grads] Mobilities conference 2012
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 14:09:34 -0400
From: Adriana de Souza e Silva <adriana@souzaesilva.com>
Reply-To: Adriana de Souza e Silva <adriana@souzaesilva.com>
To: crdm-grads@lists.ncsu.edu
CC: Steve Wiley <steve_wiley@ncsu.edu>, Jason Swarts <jswarts@ncsu.edu>, Jeremy Packer <jpacker@unity.ncsu.edu>


As some of you know, I'm going to be the lead organizer of the Mobilities conference next year, which will take place at NCSU in March 2012. Last year's conference took place in Philly and had a strong presence of CRDM students: http://mcenterdrexel.wordpress.com/conference/?preview=true&preview_id=819&preview_nonce=b32d004262. We're hoping that CRDM student participation will be even stronger next year, given that the conference will be on campus. The CRDM program is supporting the conference as the CRDM symposium next year.

I know some of you told me informally you'd be interesting in helping out with the conference organization (looking for a conference location, catering, dinner, streaming, filming, accommodations, etc). In order to start the planning asap, I would like to schedule a meeting with those who are interested and would like to participate in the organization of the event next week. 

Please let me know (a) if you are interested in helping, and (b), if you are available either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday afternoon. I made a doodle calendar to track people's availability. I scheduled a 2h meeting, because I want to give us ample time, but we'll probably be done in less than 2hours.

Please click on this link to answer with your availability: http://www.doodle.com/z6xphiuf4kc4if66

I hope you get excited about being part of the conference's organizing team, as this is a very relevant international event from the Pan-American Mobilities Network. Many out of state and international researchers from different areas such as communication, sociology, anthropology, english, urban studies, just to name a few, are likely to come.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Adriana de Souza e Silva, Ph.D
Associate Professor of Communication
Interim Associate Director, Communication, Rhetoric, & Digital Media Ph.D program
North Carolina State University