This could be better than gfiber.
The mobile revolution hidden in net neutrality
// The Verge - All Posts

// The Verge - All Posts
I've been struggling to write about last week's historic net neutrality vote for a few days now. I've already written so much about the subject that finally seeing the vote to reclassify broadband as a Title II service was almost like a distant happening, a lull before the next vicious battle. People who care about consumers can only luxuriate in victory for so long before Verizon files a lawsuit.
But then MWC kicked off at full speed in Barcelona: the new Samsung Galaxy S6, the new HTC One M9, some mid-range Lumias, an ultra-encrypted Blackphone. There's a weird Sony Android tablet that looks like Clié's Revenge. And Google's Sundar Pichai took the stage this morning to talk about Google's plan to run its own tiny mobile carrier "in...
via Mobiles @ NCSU