- Format
- Be at most 15 minutes long without questions, allowing time for critique of three or four projects in a single class, including discussion
- Use visuals, not text (use your voice to deliver words)
- Expect to interrupted regularly
- Show the state of the work, even in its incomplete state -- as Google says, nothing is ever finished!
- Content
- Begin with a few minute elevator pitch every time, that:
- Begins with the tagline: a one sentence capture of the project
- Moves immediately through the solution, in user scenario
- We expect heavy use of prototypes: you will generally not have your stuff running when you do this in real life
- Doesn't assume the audience knows anything about the work
- Leaves out most of the "how", focusing only on "what" if necessary
- Then, briefly show
- Related/comparable work
- Early in the semester:
- Formative evaluations captured in text, visuals, audio or video
- Sketches, either overhead or scanned
- Later:
- Screencaps, wireframes, video or live demos of the prototype
- Summative evaluations, captures as above
- What has changed since the last presentation
The capstone presentation during the final period should be largely the same, including both elevator pitch and detail. It differs only in that:
- You should make the prototype demo the center of your presentation
- Either right after your elevator pitch or integrated with it
- Refer to earlier prototypes and process only when explaining each prototype feature, do not begin with your process and abandoned prototypes