Voice, text, web will all be charged by the mb. 
AT&T CEO predicts data-only phone plans within two years
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson believes that within two years mobile customers will be able to sign up for data-only plans. While speaking at an investors conference in New York, Stephenson explained that these plans would view phone calls and text messaging as just another form of data — though this could lead to a hike in prices. However, he didn't give any indication as to AT&T's future in that regard, simply saying "I'll be surprised if, in the next 24 months, we don't see people in the marketplace with data-only plans."
The CEO also made a number of other predictions, most of which reiterate things we've been hearing about for some time — data use will jump 75 percent annually for the next five years, he believes, while we'll...