Go the Green way !!
Like walking, jogging, biking or hiking? Or are you simply an avid fan of nature, greenways is the way to go. How do you locate the greenways? Winston Salem Greenways Navigator does it for you. This Android application helps you find the greenways in your surroundings and also provides you with directions to help you reach them.
Like walking, jogging, biking or hiking? Or are you simply an avid fan of nature, greenways is the way to go. How do you locate the greenways? Winston Salem Greenways Navigator does it for you. This Android application helps you find the greenways in your surroundings and also provides you with directions to help you reach them.
The weather feature is an excellent way to check what nature has in store for you. We understand that finding parking spaces can be difficult-which is why our application displays parking spaces closest to a greenway on the map.
Facing a problem on the greenway? No worries! The app has been seamlessly integrated with City Link, thus providing you with an option to report any issues faced at the greenways.
With its intuitive interface, the app is designed to be used easily by people of all age groups, which in turn encourages more and more people to become aware of various greenways in their locality, pushing them further towards a healthy living.

Video : Winston-Salem-Greenways
Github : Winston-Salem-Greenways
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