Find: Two Ways Artificial Intelligence Contributes to Great User Experience #finds #ai #emotion

AI for predicting what a user will type, and what a user will like. 

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Two Ways Artificial Intelligence Contributes to Great User Experience
August 22, 2013

As someone who has done research for the better part of a decade, I'm often in the uncomfortable position of dispelling misconceptions about the state of AI.

When a stranger on a plane hears you do AI research, there's a 60% chance you'll get asked precisely how concerned they should be about Terminator-style renegade robots or when they can expect to have Rosie the robot maids do all their housework.

While future Marxist robot sociologists will contend that the path to the former robot most certainly goes through the latter, the truth is that most of the AI we interact with will be software running in internet services or apps on our and .

By Aria Haghighi