Here are our projects from 2016. Eventually, you will be able to find more detail about these projects in site postings here. For past projects, please see the links below.
Making exercise fun by racing dinosaurs! (And maybe other critters).
Client: a student project
Team: Commons, Fan, Lu, K Ma, Shritek Jain
Connecting story to place, for friends, communities and organizations of all kinds.
Client: a student project
Team: Naik, Nanda, Pise, Preman, A Shah
Helping new students from India make the States home, whether by finding roommates or things they need.
Client: a student project
Team: Ankam, Wang, Venkataraman, Borland, Kattepura, Tohmaz
Bring dinosaur science to grade school students by recreating a real paleontology dig in mobile-based VR.
Client: Bucky Gates
Team: P Desai, K Desai, Komiyama, Lykins, N Shah
Build a timeline viewing tool in virtual reality, using a design history timeline as a test bed.
Clients: Pat Fitzgerald and Russell Flinchum
Team: Agrawal, J Desai, Hardy, Hutson, H Ma, Nisher
Improve a platform enabling interactive 2D stories, built using the Unity game engine.
Clients: Pat Fitzgerald
Team: N Garg, Gupta, Shifali Jain, Manohar, Migliore, Ramakrishnan
Complete an existing Android and web (App Engine) app in visual quizzing, with both entertainment and educational applications.
Clients: Pat Fitzgerald
Team: Chiavegatto, Lesser, Patterson, Uhnyuck, Sharma
Using the existing TiltAStory toolset, build an app that allows hands-on learning about trees, including tree identification in the field and/or learning about tree anatomy.
Clients: Maggie Bailey of the Agni Institute.
Team: Hussain, Lancaster, Puranik, Radford, Streeter-Jimino
As VR becomes mobile, 360 video is proliferating. But what is still missing is the ability to mix 360 with traditional video, a crucial technique for directing attention and advancing story, much like cutscenes in computer games. In this somewhat risky and quite technical project, you will attempt to create a mobile app that allows mixed display of flat and spherical video.
Clients: Steven King of UNC's journalism school
Team: Ankit Garg, Lee, Mishra, Ni, Rather